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0_Master the word environment.cmap 1_Search for information.cmap 1.1_Documentation search.cmap 1.1.1 Analyze the subject.cmap 2_Process info.cmap 3_Present Data.cmap 3.1_Create doc.cmap 3.2_Present Data.cmap 3.3_Make CAP.cmap 3.4_Publish on the Web.cmap 3.5_Produce audio and visual material.cmap 4.1_Use the educational institution's portal.cmap 4.2_Educational institution's platform.cmap 4.3_basic communication.cmap 4.4_advanced communication.cmap 5.0_Project evaluation.cmap creative-commons_75x27.png ICT Profile.cmap logo_reseau_tic_152x52.png PROFILTIC_RGB-75x77.png Profil TIC des étudiants du collégial.url Site Web REPTIC.url